You. Are. Loved.
“God can see into your broken heart, my friend. He hears the groaning from the depths of your grief. He can understand what you are experiencing and thinking and feeling. He knows what you want to say or need to say, but find it impossible to say. He accepts that helpless feeling as your prayer.”
Dr. Oswald Hoffmann
We are here for you. Our parish is here to provide comfort to all those who are grieving and suffering a loss. Grieving is a process. It takes time. It comes in waves. There is no right or wrong way to mourn a loss. The only “normal” thing about grieving is that nothing feels “normal.”
How can we pray for you? We care for you. We pray for you. We invite you to our 8 AM Mass of Comfort and Healing the first Saturday of each month. If you cannot join us, but would like your prayer intentions included, and would like the name of your loved one added to our prayer list, please contact us at [email protected]. There's also an annual Memorial Mass at all weekend liturgies the first Sunday in November.
What are your specific needs? We want to serve you. With a parish this size, there are a variety of ministries filled with people who want to help you. Please contact us so we may help you get connected with the services and ministries that can meet your needs. Please email us at [email protected].
Looking for a support group? Our Archdiocese is here to help. There are a number of support groups in the area. We can help you locate a group that works with your schedule and is aimed toward your specific circumstance. You can also find more information about grief support groups at
"Eternal rest grant unto our loved ones, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them."
You and your loved ones are in our prayers.
Joan Brisimitzakis and the Grief Ministry Team
[email protected]
If you are interested in volunteering to provide comfort and prayers to those who are grieving or suffering a loss, please contact Joan Brisimitzakis at [email protected]