Holy Trinity's Trinity Threaders is a sewing, quilting, crafting, knitting and crocheting ministry. The majority of our quilts are Prayer Quilts. Our hand-crafted items are blessed and donated to charity - 75% of these go to parishioners with special needs and 25% to outside organizations.
A prayer quilt is always on display in the foyer of the Adoration Chapel with an open invitation to finish a knot with a prayer for the eventual recipient. Our more experienced members are happy to teach anyone who is interested in learning so please come join us!
The Threaders sponsor two fundraising events each year:
Time Commitment
Our group meet regularly five times a month in the Gast Social Room
New members are always welcome!
Ann Piette, 913-888-0163, or [email protected]m or
Pat Wineland, 913-219-4731, or [email protected] or
Paddy Hamil, 913-558-6848 or [email protected]